Ironwood is home to numerous leagues throughout the golf season. Whether it’s a spring, summer or fall league, we provide the perfect opportunity to host your league. In addition, we offer an Ironwood Friday Golf League for anyone to join.

Ironwood Friday Golf League

We are pleased to announce the Ironwood Golf League for the 2025 season.

We have limited spaces available for the league, teams of two (2) and open to the public..

Whether it’s two buddies, a father & son, mother & daughter or a happy couple, this is the perfect league for you.


Fridays, beginning early to mid May (12 weeks + playoff week)
Tee-off: Between 3 pm and 6 pm

(you will be able to select a preferred tee off window)


2 person teams
(individuals may register & Ironwood will place with a teammate)

9 holes (with cart)
Handicaps established after first 2 weeks, then adjusted based on play.


9 holes of golf with cart; Registration fee includes dollars towards a season-end prize fund


$375 per golfer (includes 13 total weeks of golf and $75 towards prize fund)

Both members of team must be paid before team is officially entered into league roster

Register for the Friday Golf League

Inquire About Hosting Your League at Ironwood